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A Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims


A Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims
By Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.
Re: Comments to First Post by J. King.

Dear Professor J. King, other scientists, medical professionals and all victims of fluoroquinolones,

I have learned of so many of these victims just recently, after seeing one of you in my office.  Even while recognizing the gravity of this condition, I have strongly disagreed with the prevailing view of this blog: ‘no way out of this’.  Yet, I hesitated to share my envisioned solution here, lest I appear as some ‘alternative opportunist’ who seeks business.

However, after this patient shared with me Professor J. King’s, ‘First Post’ on this blog, and the fact that some of these victims have committed suicide, while others are considering this, I’ve decided to speak my mind on the issue.  At least between Professor King, other medical or science professionals, and participants on this blog (as Todd R. Plumb, M.D. and others), I feel that the lay people in this group will have qualified advocates who can, as I invite to, challenge my approach to fluoroquinolone poisoning.

The real subject to be addressed here, does cover, yet extends far beyond the fluoroquinolone poisoning.  It includes catastrophic flaws in our medical system, the system that has produced this poison.

When President Clinton in the 90’s received an alarming report that some million Americans die annually or become severely damaged by medical treatments, his correct response was, “It must be because of a bad system, rather than just bad people.”  He was absolutely correct.  In fact, this year, the Scientific American journal has correctly defined our health care system as “alarmingly dysfunctional”, and likewise, concerned medical scientists and doctors throughout the years.  Yet, a serious analysis of the reasons for this alarming dysfunction never occurred and, as a result, it continues to fail billions of people worldwide, and damage many, like all of you.

I will highlight only a few main flaws of this system, including alternative medicine, to better understand fluoroquinolone poisoning; otherwise we will seek its solution, as Einstein said, through the same manner of thinking that created the problem in the first place.

Please click here to download Dr. Yurkovsky’s full letter addressing this issue in further detail.


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