هو الغلوتين &الكازين نظام غذائي خال من إجابة على التوحد أو ADHD ?
هو الغلوتين & الكازين نظام غذائي خال من إجابة على التوحد أو ADHD ? والغلوتين- والكازين هو اتباع نظام غذائي خال من قدر من التوحد والرد على ADHD كوسيلة مساعدة الفرقة التي هي غارقة في مطهر, and...
View ArticleA Statement of Hope, في الواقع, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims
A Statement of Hope, في الواقع, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims By Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. Re: Comments to First Post by J. King. Dear Professor J. King, other scientists, medical professionals and all...
View Articleبيان Savely Yurkovsky, دكتوراه في الطب, من 21 فبراير, 2014, بالنسبة لدراسة...
في الموجز, the aforementioned study alleges adherence of fluoroquinolone antibiotics to human DNA. Discussion قضية #1: وهذه الدراسة أجريت بشكل صحيح وتكون هذه النتائج صالحة & شرعي? Such a question...
View ArticleUpdated report concerning clinical issues of fluoroquinolone antibiotics...
By Savely Yurkovsky, MD. مقدمة As a follow through to my 25 page “Statement of Hope…” for fluoroquinolone victims, in October 2013, I deem it appropriate to share a brief summary of my observations and...
View ArticleIs a gluten & casein-free diet an answer to autism or ADHD ?
Is a gluten & casein-free diet an answer to autism or ADHD ? A gluten- and casein-free diet is as much of an answer to autism and ADHD as a band aid that is soaked in antiseptic, and blood-clotting...
View ArticleA Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims
A Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims By Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. Re: Comments to First Post by J. King. Dear Professor J. King, other scientists, medical professionals and all...
View ArticleThe statement of Savely Yurkovsky, MD, of February 21st, 2014, in relation to...
In summary, the aforementioned study alleges adherence of fluoroquinolone antibiotics to human DNA. Discussion Issue #1: Was this study correctly performed and are these results valid & legitimate?...
View ArticleUpdated report concerning clinical issues of fluoroquinolone antibiotics...
By Savely Yurkovsky, MD. Introduction As a follow through to my 25 page “Statement of Hope…” for fluoroquinolone victims, in October 2013, I deem it appropriate to share a brief summary of my...
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